24 July 2009

Another year, another thing...

It's that week of the year again. Time to start summing it all up, and next week we start the elevation toward Judgment and yadda yadda. (Eloquent, no?)

I've been quiet on the blog now for a while. You could say I've had to restrict things, restrict my words. For a while, I couldn't talk politics, because of my job. Then I couldn't talk about some major personal turmoil, in order to protect the privacy of family members. Then I elected not to talk about my pregnancy, and it took six months before I felt comfortable talking about my kids here at all. Just as I was getting ready to shift gears, I received a few comments that were...less than appreciative of my path toward Mommy Blogging. I have to say I agree to some degree; I'm not looking to be a Mommy Blogger. But at the same time, I regret terribly that I have almost no record of my children's first two and a half years, all because I didn't want to be pigeonholed.

So here it is, people: this is my place. I'm going to stop caring what people do or don't want to read, what they think I am or am not capable of. I have two beautiful children. They are among the most important things in my life. If every word I write from this day forward is about them, I will not have wasted a single letter.


persephone said...

*standing up and cheering*

less haters! more devarim!

penny said...


Rebecca said...

well said!

Loona said...

Good for you. This is your blog and it is your space to write about whatever you choose. People who don't like it can find something else to read.

Unknown said...

So... what elese is new? You, speaking your mind :)

It'd be nice to here what's up, up there. And since I don't get to see the little people very often, no arguments from me.

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

Looking forward to reading.

Alisha said...

Hear, hear!

projgen said...

Huzzah! Huzzah!


Damn the critics and full speed ahead :)

OneTiredEma said...


(and it's about damn time everyone else got to hear about your life :)